Hi, I'm Julia.
I am an adventurer in pottery, still new to so much, literally feeling my way with the clay, kiln, glazes and techniques.
Most of my life I have worked with words as an editor and writer, but I am now following a long-held desire to explore a life in clay.
I take much of my inspiration from the natural world, and am currently working with ideas around the secret life of trees.
Do follow my progress here or on Instagram @juliabrucepots, and if you'd like to know more, please email me.
I am delighted to be part of some fantastic
shows and festivals this year.
Here are some of the pots I will be taking
with me to:
Haddenham Handmade Art Market
Haddenham Arts Centre, CB6 3XA
Saturday May 18 10.00–4.00
Fen Edge Festival
Village Green, Cottenham CB24 8TX
Sunday June 23 from 10.00
Kiln Cambridge Summer Show
Kiln Cambridge, Ditton Walk, Cambridge
Saturday and Sunday June 29-30
and July 6–7 10.00–5.00
Clay in Clare
The Old Goods Shed, Clare Castle
Country Park CO10 8NW
Thursday–Sunday September 12–15th